Internal scenarios, limiters, shortcomings and coding bugs

Sometimes the user input to SWAN is such that SWAN produces unreliable and sometimes even unrealistic results. This may be the case if the bathymetry or the wave field is not well resolved. Be aware here that the grid on which the computations are performed interpolates from the grids on which the input is provided; different resolutions for these grids (which are allowed) can therefore create unexpected interpolation patterns on the computational grid. In such cases SWAN may invoke some internal scenarios or limiters instead of terminating the computations. The reasons for this model policy is that

Examples are:

Some other problems which the SWAN user may encounter are due to more fundamental shortcomings of SWAN (which may or may not be typical for third-generation wave models) and unintentional coding bugs.

Because of the issues described above, the results may look realistic, but they may (locally) not be accurate. Any change in these scenarios, limiters or shortcomings, in particular newly discovered coding bugs and their fixes, are published on the SWAN web site and implemented in new releases of SWAN.

The SWAN team 2024-03-19